BA MD Summer Scholarships - Program Offered
Foundations of Science Learning Academy Scholarship
The Foundations of Science Learning Academy (FSLA) scholarship will cover the cost of UNM summer session tuition, housing, food stipend, course fees, and textbooks for all BA/MD students. Students who choose to withdraw from FSLA after May 1st deadline will be responsible for summer housing contract cancelation fees.
Summer Practicum Scholarship
The Summer Practicum scholarship will cover the cost of UNM summer session tuition, Summer Practicum housing, food stipend, and one round trip mileage per diem from Albuquerque to the Summer Practicum location for BA/MD students.
Mandatory Summer Enrollment Scholarship
To meet Student Progress & Evaluation (SPE) policy Phase Two, some students are required to take courses during the summer between the first and second year. Students who are required to enroll in a course to improve their standing in the BA/MD continuous eligibility requirements (i.e. SPE policy) will be awarded a BA/MD summer scholarship to cover the cost of UNM summer session tuition, campus housing, food stipend, course fees and textbooks.