Pre-Medical Core Retake Policy
BA/MD students are required to re-take any pre‐med science core classes (listed below) at UNM main campus. (This includes any course the student withdraws from or must re-take to improve their pre-med GPA.) The Program cannot provide academic support at a UNM branch campus but can provide support on the main campus. Pre‐med core retake courses taken at other institution(s) will not be accepted by the BA/MD Program.
- Chemistry 1215: General Chemistry I (3)
- Chemistry 1225: General Chemistry II (3)
- Chemistry 1215L: General Chemistry I Lab (1)
- Chemistry 1225L: General Chemistry II Lab (1)
- Chemistry 301: Organic Chemistry I (3)
- Chemistry 303L: Organic Chemistry I Lab (1)
- Chemistry 302: Organic Chemistry II (3)
- Chemistry 304L: Organic Chemistry II Lab (1)
- Biology 301C or 301C: Molecular and Cell Biology (4)
- Biology 302C: Genes to Genomes (4)
- Biology 300C: Evolution (4) or Biology 310C: Ecology (4) (Required of Option III degree-seeking students only.)
- Biology 404: Medical Physiology (3)
- Physics 1230: General Physics I (3)
- Physics 1230L: General Physics I Lab (1)
- Physics 1240: General Physics II (3)
- Physics 1240L: General Physics II Lab (1)
- Biochemistry 423: Introduction to Biochemistry (3)
Note: All courses must be successfully completed with a standard letter grade of a C or better.