A&S Continuous Eligibility Standards

Students are expected to take courses every semester that advance their progress toward meeting the requirements of their chosen BA/MD degree option.

In order to remain in good academic standing and thus maintain enrollment in the BA/MD Program, students must meet the following minimum standards:

    1. *CUMULATIVE GPA: Students must earn a cumulative GPA of at least 3.37 by graduation from the College of Arts & Sciences in the BA/MD Program.  All coursework must be successfully completed with a standard letter grade of a C or better.
    2. **PRE-MED GPA: Students must earn a GPA of a 3.00 (B average) or better at various points in the BA/MD curriculum as stated in the Student Progress and Evaluation policy.  All coursework must be successfully completed with a standard letter grade of a C or better.
    3. Students must adhere to the Student Progress and Evaluation policy (SPE).  Maintain the enrollment status required to complete the undergraduate program in four years.
    4. Complete all coursework, including the Summer Community Health Practicum, for Options I, II, or III.  All coursework must be successfully completed with a standard letter grade of a C or better.
    5. Successfully complete the required MCAT Preparatory Course.
    6. Abide by the UNM Student Codes of Conduct and the BA/MD Professionalism policy.

*Cumulative GPA – BA/MD students must earn a cumulative GPA of at least 3.37. Courses earned by Advanced Placement exams will satisfy degree requirement and will not be used in calculating pre-med GPA as there is no grade earned. Transfer courses will satisfy degree requirement and will not be calculated into the pre-med GPA using the grade earned at the other institution as this follows UNM's policy regarding transfer credit grades.  All coursework must be successfully completed with a standard letter grade of a C or better.

 **Pre-Med GPA –BA/MD students must earn a GPA of a 3.00 (B average) or better in all science courses specifically required for UNM School of Medicine (SOM) and the BA/MD Program. If a student earns a B or better in all science courses, the 3.00 GPA will be met. (For example, if student earns a C in one of these courses, they must earn an A in another science course to average a B, or repeat a course for a B or better (and process grade replacement) to meet the 3.00 GPA requirement.) Courses earned by Advanced Placement exams will satisfy degree requirement and will not be used in calculating pre-med GPA as there is no grade earned. Transfer courses will satisfy degree requirement and will not calculate into the pre-med GPA using the grade earned at the other institution as this follows UNM's policy regarding transfer credit grades.  All coursework must be successfully completed with a standard letter grade of a C or better.

  • Chemistry 1215 – General Chemistry I (3)
  • Chemistry 1225 – General Chemistry II (3)
  • Chemistry 1215L – General Chemistry I Lab (1)
  • Chemistry 1225L – General Chemistry II Lab (1)
  • Chemistry 301 – Organic Chemistry I (3)
  • Chemistry 303L – Organic Chemistry I Lab (1)
  • Chemistry 302 – Organic Chemistry II (3)
  • Chemistry 304L – Organic Chemistry II Lab (1)
  • Biology 2103L – Introductory Laboratory (1)
  • Biology 2110C – Molecular and Cell Biology (4) or Biology 301C (4)
  • Biology 2410C – Genetics (4) or Biology 302C Genes to Genomes (4)
  • Biology 404: Medical Physiology (3)
  • Physics 1230 – General Physics I (3)
  • Physics 1230L – General Physics I Lab (1)
  • Physics 1240 – General Physics II (3)
  • Physics 1240L – General Physics II Lab (1)
  • Biochemistry 423 – Introduction to Biochemistry (3) or Biochemistry 445 AND 446

NOTE:  All GPA’s are calculated to the hundredth decimal point.

SOM Continuous Eligibility Standards

In order to transition into the UNM School of Medicine portion of the program, BA/MD students must satisfy the continuous eligibility criteria outlined above, as well as the following outlined criteria required by the UNM School of Medicine:

    1. BA/MD students must earn a score on the MCAT exam consistent with the minimum acceptable threshold for admission into the MD Program at the UNM School of Medicine.
    2. Complete the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) application and UNM School of Medicine secondary application by the UNMSOM set deadline.

    3. Maintain a code of professional conduct consistent with SOM standards.

    4. Meet the policy on Technical Standards for Admission to the UNM School of Medicine.

In the fall semester of the student’s last year, the CCSP will recommend all eligible students for transition to the UNM School of Medicine (SOM) Admissions Committee. The SOM Admissions Committee will review each student’s record and file to ensure that students meet all of the above eligibility requirements, as well as all other technical standards and requirements of the UNMSOM. The SOM Admissions Committee will make the final decision regarding students’ admission to the UNMSOM, and will communicate with the student via written correspondence during the student’s spring semester.  Any student who disagrees with the Admissions Committee decision may apply to the UNMSOM Associate Dean of Admissions for a final review.